Alive decisions
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Russian version of the page

The Friends! Greet You on information page, denoted alive decisions.

The Relations between people are realized in the form of the different decisions.
These decisions can be three types:
technical, biological and management.

Each type is defined by object of the influence. If object of the influence is an inanimate subject, for instance, computer, that decision is technical, and etc.
All other variants are reduced to this three. As a rule, management decisions must include technical and biological decisions, biological - a technical decisions.

On methods of preparation and realization, these decisions greatly differ. However on nature of preparation and realization there is much general. The General is concluded in use such acceptance preparation and realization of the decisions that decisions left on level of the good human relations.

In lifes we often speak the gentile words loved inanimate subject: decorations, car, suit. And this helps to prepare and realize the efficient decisions upon their conservation, modernizations, exchange.

The Physician, prescribing patient medicine, can greatly intensify their influence to account of the explanations their action, example of the positive action on the other patient or on itself.

Leader of the group, preparing order or dictation, can intensify his(its) influence on subordinated to account:
- a colour background of the document and colour font;
- a separations main in text;
- an use aroma, raising attention, memory, mood; as well as correcting local ecology;
- an use drawing in text of the document;
- an use element personal identification subordinated.

In general type,
ALIVE DECISION - a decision, which object is a FRIEND.
The Subordinate - a friend, dog - a friend, car - a friend.

Material on technologies of the development of the alive decisions can be used in following discipline:
- innovation management;
- communication management;
- corporative management;
- management change;
- a management decisions.

Technology of preparing the alive decision is an more interesting direction in modern management.

With best wishes!

Eduard A.Smirnov, prof. management,
State University of Management,
Moscow, Russia, 109542,
Ryazansky prosp. 99, suite A-301,
w.t. 7(495) 371-81-92

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